Saturday, December 06, 2003

God works in mysterious ways. I do not always claim to understand what the point fact most of the time I have no idea what God is trying to teach me, only that s/he is definitely in command!!!

This morning I woke up in a tizzy about B.B. Buzz and I were on the phone at 7:30am, she was helping me get my head around the whole situation: do I like this guy for real or is he just a placewarmer? are the red flags I see real or are they my way of rejecting him before he rejects me? and mostly we talked about "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT DATE ALL ABOUT, ANYWAY?" Imagine, two women trying to get inside the mind of a 34 year old man who is not comfortable expressing his honest feelings. So that was my morning. Splendid indeed.

So I went for a run with Taylor, to get it all out of my system. I realized that it's time for me to move on from this one. Two dates...two awesome dates. He's fun. But he's either not into it or he's scared. Both of which do me no good and neither of which I want or deserve. So we ran and we chatted and I sweated it out and it felt good.

Then we went to Whole Foods to get sandwiches and do some grocery shopping. And there I was in the bath products aisle, looking for some soap. And as I was trying to decide which soap I wanted, I saw on the bottom shelf the kind of soap that Broadway uses and I laughed thinking I better not get that soap. Then I hear someone say, "Oh....hi." And I look up and there he is. Broadway is standing there, looking quite adorable, just as I remember.

I haven't laid eyes on him in at least a year. There are many places I imagine I will run into him...Whole Foods never occurs to me as one of them. At least not Whole Foods at 2 on a Saturday.

My heart started beating fast. I hadn't showered after the run and my hair didn't look its glamour best! And here I was, face to face with Broadway. If, in that moment, you had asked me the name of the guy I was all worked up over this morning, I would not have been able to tell you. That's what Broadway does to me! There's something there...he's dangerous for me and today, of all days, I did not need to see him...

He asked me for my number (although he said he probably still has it). I gave it to him and I took his. He's single (I asked - he blushed). He said we should get lunch...I laughed as I walked away...And my head has been spinning for the past two hours.

I know that's God at work. I am just not sure how or what I am supposed to do with it.

Friday, December 05, 2003

So far this year I have had four friends get engaged, five other friends get married, two people actually have babies and three other friends just announced they are pregnant. Sheesh...I am still single (with no fiance, let alone husband in sight) and childless (again, no baby in the birth canal any time soon). What am I missing?

Sunday, November 30, 2003

Craig wrote us from Iraq and sent a picture! It sounds like it's still crazy over there...I hope he stays safe. I still cannot understand exactly what he is doing there...I mean, he said something about running some of the American bases in fact, the one Bush visited is one of his, though he wasn't there for the surprise. He didn't even know Bush was there until he heard about it on the news! Crazy. Anyway, it sounds like he is in a safe zone, but he did say he travels around to other parts of Baghdad. He also said something that we have been hearing on the news a bit - that the insurgents have now turned their attention away from US soldiers and are attacking Iraqi civilians. The whole situation is so fucked up. I hope stays safe and comes home soon. He says he is only there for a year...I do hope he is not compelled to stay any longer than that.

On other number two went well. Better than date one. But I think that's to be expected. And actually, if your first date blows you out of the water every other date just has too much to live up to, I think. Anyway, date two was good. I hope for a date three. This whole approach to dating is so new for me. I mean, After A___ and I broke up, I went on a date with Ross and then about two weeks later I went on a date with another guy. But Ross and I ended up hitting it off and even though we were "taking it slow" I really liked him and didn't consider going out with any other guys after our third date. When that ended I went on a random date or two with Seth and then I met Broadway...After our first date I was certainly not interested in going on a date with anyone else. He, apparently, went on one date with someone else in between our first and second dates (at the time he said that he had already had it planned and he didn't want to hindsight I wonder...but anyway...). But after the second date it was pretty much just us and I was so crazy about him that I would not have considered a date with anyone else. Since Broadway I have been on several first dates but no second dates until last night, which may have actually been date three if you count the night we met (new years)...Then there was Ross part two. And so, as I look back on date #2/3, and look forward to date #3/4, I realize I have very little experience with dating...relationships, yes. Dating, no.

But it has been and continues to be an interesting learning process. I think it is good for me. I never used to believe it would be. I thought dating was a waste of time...if you like someone, why not just decide to be together and see what happens. The freedom of a relationship has always seemed so much more satisfying to me than the constrictions of dating. But now that I am dating...with the idea that it will lead to a satisfying I see that there is a lot I can learn about myself. And I can also see that the intensity that comes from a fabulous first or second date is not a sufficient basis on which to build a relationship. So, a good first date and an amazing second date seems like a perfectly good place to start, making sure to keep the drama and false intimacy out of it. See, I'm learning.