God I feel like shit! Why am I sick, again? The doctor says that I probably never kicked the original sickness and so it just keeps coming back...so this time I am really going to get it! No training until this thing is gone...I think I was a little too gung ho to get back into things and then the stress of finishing up all the applications...I think it all just took its toll. It's no surprise that this little illness came on the day after the Columbia applications stress out! So I am going to take my medicine like a good girl and I am going to get better once and for all...start the training season right, if a little later than I would have hoped!
To quote my dear friend Rocky, "Boys are weirdos." This week has been particularly interesting. I think it's the combination of the full moon and the new year...really bringing out the men and their freakishness. Of course, grandpa is the cutest with his email about wanting to set me up with some of Gail's cousin's daughter's husband's eligible friends!!! Now I am officially Jewish! Not that I wasn't Jewish before, but I wasn't that kind of yenta-matchmakery Jewish that a lot of the Jewish women I know are! Anyway, he's adorable. He wants so badly for me to be married, God bless him!
Cannot believe I heard from BB!!! That takes some balls, I think. Even though he admitted that he is a total wuss! Anyway, just one of the many strange things that happened this week. Like Broadway and his interest in having the kind of relationship with me where we "cuddle" (I am guessing that is his euphemism for sex) and "sleep next to each other" (another one) without the pressure of a relationship. Now that takes nerve. He flat out asked me if we could just have sex every now and again without anything else! Um, no. That is what prostitutes do. Or characters on Sex & the City. Both of whom, by the way, are highly paid for that! No, that's not me. The nerve of even asking!
I am feeling more hopeful about the Democrats. I manage to tune out a lot of the bullshit because it really all sounds just like desperate bullshit. I am still not ready to actively campaign for Clark yet but he is shaping up to be my top choice. I don't know why, Howard Dean, who I started out loving, has lost me. I wish I was more interested in one of the candidates. I wish I had that passionate attachment to one of them so I could already start getting my campaign juices flowing. But sadly, I am not stirred to action just yet. I know a lot of other people are. And believe me, I am stirred to rid this country of the Bush menace. But I think I will wait until a little further along in the primaries (not that they will get too far along) and then make a choice. Then, no matter who becomes the nominee, I will fall in love with him. Because he will be our only hope and I need to have hope. That's what I did in 1992 - I was a Kerrey (Bob) fan...big time. I remember our road trip up to New Hampshire during the primaries to do some canvassing for him (our whole College Democrats club seemed to like him, except for that guy Jon who liked Tsongas). But when the nominee was Clinton, I fell in love with him. Because then, as now, I wanted to rid us of the Bush menace. Sadly, the original had already spawned.