Thursday, June 12, 2003

Why is it that I am capable of having a deep well of compassion for people I have never met - the plights of os many underserved and underprivileged people around the globe...but sometimes I cannot even find it in myself to have the most basic compassion for people closest to me?

I love my mother with so much of me that sometimes, being around her exhausts me. So much of me is loving her and wanting what is best for her and fighting my instincts to reach out and save tires me out. But then she goes and shows me that she doesn't need saving...I just don't give her enough credit sometimes. I hate that. But I love that she really is okay.

I do feel like my battery has been re-charged. Like I am filling up with momma-love until next time I see her. It is such a good feeling to receive such unbridled love, from her and from know, to feel it in my body, that they love me. I will forever be grateful for that. No matter how nuts they make me!

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