Thursday, July 17, 2003

It's been a hard week to get any blogging done! It's one of those busy weeks, and when I do have a few moments to spare, I feel as though I should dedicate them to studying for that g.d. GMAT or sleeping...nothing so self-indulgent as blogging.

I am taking just a few minutes out of my workday to blog because I am feeling the need to get some thoughts down. I feel a tide turing against (p)Resident Bush and his team of cowboys. I am sorry to see that George Tenet is being made a fall guy, but something about this whole Niger/yellowcake thing smells like Rummy to me...

The other day, Bush made what I believe is one of the more incredulous statements of his presidency. He said (AND I QUOTE):

"We gave him a chance to allow the inspectors in, and he wouldn't let them in."

Is he kidding? This, need I remind people, is the same man who accused his opponents of being "revisionist historians." Pot. Kettle. Black.

I am liking Dean more and more and his efforts - and ability - to connect at the most grassroots level.

His blog is awesome and if I ever figure out how to get links on the side of this thing, I will link to it there.

Go Lance!!! I hope he wins...awesome display of talent the other day avoiding that crash, pulling a little cyclo-cross move! I love it! He's just such an amazing bundle of athletic talent.

Go to and click on the link in the upper left corner.

Looking forward to heading east for a few days...need a NYC recharge!

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