Tuesday, February 10, 2004

John Kerry won tonight in Virginia and Tennessee...Wesley Clark, the only candidate to whom I sent money (in an effort to ensure he got a fair shot in the race I sent him $50...he seemed to need it the most!) appears to be dropping out. The field continues to narrow...and though Edwards tries hard to spin this as a two man race between himself and Kerry, the real two man race is between Kerry and Bush.

I did hear someone on CNN tonight say that the Democrats are talking about announcing the VP choice sooner than the convention, just as I suggested...chances are they didn't get this idea from me...but it does make me feel smart to know that I thought of it myself...didn't have to hear it on Larry King Live to know it was the right thing to do...shit, I thought we should have done it that way in 2000.

Anyway, I am psyched that we are narrowing in on our guy...I think I will throw a fundraiser for him this summer...that will be fun - a house party fundriaser for my former boss...maybe I will even volunteer on the campaign during the month of August. I would love to volunteer for the convention...I should call Jim King and get on that...

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