Monday, February 16, 2004

I can't believe Steve Grossman quit the Dean campaign. I mean, I can believe it. Of course...Dean's campaign is pretty much out of juice...but I guess whenever I see Steve's name in print I am surprised. He has really become such a player in the Democratic Party since I used to work for him back in 1992...I remember so clear his son, Josh, who feel in love with me when he was just three years old! He called me Gummi Bear Marcy...So years later when Steve became the Chairman of the National Democratic Party, I guess I couldn't believe it...I mean, I had this old connection with this man who was now a major player. And then he ran for Governor of Massachusetts...he lost, unfortunately, but I emailed him during his campaign and he wrote back, reminisced a bit and was generally kind and upbeat. Then I read that he was the national Chairman for Howard Dean's campaign...and I am not going to lie, it definitely had an impact on me. Though I never thought Dean would be the guy, the president...I liked what he had to say and my first look was certainly related to Steve Grossman's involvement.

So when I read today that he left Dean's camp and that he was heading over to Kerry, well, I got a warm feeling. I was surprised he wasn't with Kerry from the beginning...just with the whole Massachusetts connection...but he is going there now. So, it makes me feel even better...and even more connected to the Kerry campaign...all my old colleages seem to be already there or heading that by the time I am ready to commit to him, it might be like going home. Okay, so perhaps that is a bit dramatic...but still, I am getting more and more excited for the upcoming campaign.

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