Sunday, October 19, 2003

I am not feeling inspired. These business school applications are a bitch. About what am I most passionate? What is most important to me in the world? How am I supposed to answer those questions in 800 words? Especially after the whole rigarmarole with entering your undergraduate grades (which, by the way, is incredibly depressing...I mean, I knew I was doing poorly in school while I was there but I guess I didn't realize how poorly. And now that I see the grades, in hindsight, I think about how much I wasted by not paying more attention to the books and less attention to the boys!).

Even harder than writing the essays, I think, will be having other people read them. I mean, they are so personal and I will be looking for critiques...I am not sure I trust anyone enough to have them read and offer their perspective on these essays. Yet I have to do it. I am hoping that this blogwriting, knowing that I write really personal things and people read it and probably think some (or all of it) sucks and they see the typos and all that...I am hoping that it helps to make the essay-sharing a bit easier.

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